Pinned post

I'm absolutely fucked with bills this month and will be til next semester most likely. I'm swamped with classwork and I can't donate plasma. If anyone can help me I'd really appreciate it. I'm probably going to have a gofundme set up soon by my friends, but I need to get at least my phone, power, and internet bills paid in the meantime so I can try to set something up as far as a steady non-loan source of income. Please RT even if you can't help, I appreciate it a lot.

At a party with like 50 other leftists, im just trying to step aside and light up, my antisocial ass

Yeah I think i'm done with Twitter

Fuck it TMI Tuesday whatchu wanna know

kitt c 🐙💦 boosted

sex work 

If anyone has some advice I'm going to have to start camming or something, maybe set up a Twitter, in order to get some money. If you can send advice on how to self promote or anything I'd appreciate it .-.

food, money 

rt can someone shoot me a few dollars to eat while i'm stuck on campus writing final papers ​

made my mark on the world, nothing else i do will matter as much as this

kitt c 🐙💦 boosted

I'm absolutely fucked with bills this month and will be til next semester most likely. I'm swamped with classwork and I can't donate plasma. If anyone can help me I'd really appreciate it. I'm probably going to have a gofundme set up soon by my friends, but I need to get at least my phone, power, and internet bills paid in the meantime so I can try to set something up as far as a steady non-loan source of income. Please RT even if you can't help, I appreciate it a lot.

sex work 

If anyone has some advice I'm going to have to start camming or something, maybe set up a Twitter, in order to get some money. If you can send advice on how to self promote or anything I'd appreciate it .-.

I'm absolutely fucked with bills this month and will be til next semester most likely. I'm swamped with classwork and I can't donate plasma. If anyone can help me I'd really appreciate it. I'm probably going to have a gofundme set up soon by my friends, but I need to get at least my phone, power, and internet bills paid in the meantime so I can try to set something up as far as a steady non-loan source of income. Please RT even if you can't help, I appreciate it a lot.

kitt c 🐙💦 boosted

i've been wearing this corset for almost 24 hours now, how long before i actually split in two

kitt c 🐙💦 boosted

PSA: this setting might help if you don't want assbutts to search for your profile and toots on google and the like


oh no was watching a stream and looks like one of my friends done went full-assed right wing :slight_frown:​

I think I'm sick .-. and i can't sleep it off because must finish course work

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