long tangent about music
for clarification my musical tastes are WEIRD in that
* I got raised with little access to anything other than my Dad's tastes and whatever was top 40s radio enough I heard it so I'm definitely playing catch up
* where I picked up musical tastes from my Dad's stuff isn't *literally* mostly classical but rather I like heavily instrumental and/or layered, especially faster paced, stuff
* I'm not one of those people who only listens to stuff from their teens or 20s and insists anything more recent is terrible (music being music, you never know what's next; for all I know my favorite track ever is something which won't exist for a couple of decades), *but* even though I like a big range of stuff my comfort listening is still very much stuff that was around in the 90s.
* The Oldies station was the only one which got good reception everywhere in A^2 in the 90s, so "comfort listening" includes a lot of 60s and 90s music, some of which honestly isn't all *that* great.