dream last night
I finally realized that if I REALLY needed the bathroom I could spend my break on this - some coworkers were talking to each other - and the next floor down was a wedding, but I snuck past on the stairs, found there was a huge gate mostly closing off the wedding (it'd be nigh impossible to get in anyway), got to the next floor, snuck past the singers (all Black, in contrast to the very white wedding guests), and there off to the side was this little shower/bathroom with wood paneling.
I finally managed to get it to lock and I was on the pot taking a shit when one of my coworkers UNLOCKED IT and walked in intending to use it, and she apologized and asked me to bring something back up to the third floor when I was done.
wanted to journal it since this is just every feeling of being someone else's convenience/being shut off percolating into my subconscious.