"Put your hand in the box."
"What's in the box?"
"Bean pie."
"I sure do love pie!"
"STOP. I hold at your neck the gom jabbar. This one kills only animals."
"Are you suggesting there's no pie?"
"NO! I'm suggesting you might be human!"
"Not even marionberry?"
"NO. You feel an itching burning... flesh crisping... nerves on fire..."
"Kuhl wahlad! No woman child ever withstood so much!"
re: duneposting
@frost Pretty much. He basically passes the test in ways the Reverend Mother doesn't expect - she *is* trying to fail/kill him - and then she really doesn't do much with that information.
re: duneposting
@Leucrotta Oh wow, I missed that whole subtext.
re: duneposting
@Leucrotta If it kills animals, I'd be so dead. :3
@Leucrotta So does the fact that they're not instantly dead mean that they're not a (nonhuman) animal?
(it's been years since we read Dune)