dreams last night
I discovered I could fellate myself again (with no backpain and far more than I used to be able to), and grabbed a selfie with my cock partly in my mouth. I wanted to show this around, but I was at a party where I just wasn't getting noticed.
Somehow this segued to saying goodbye to two Bay Area friends again. But somehow they'd come to see me off, near my father. I went from being in tears hugging my friend and telling them that I'd see them Monday, I just didn't know which Monday it would be, to being terrified that my Dad would judge my friends, and trying to figure out how to communicate to them that he didn't know I'm trans or even Queer. Meanwhile he was just going on and on about his last trip to Anacortes or something very like him.
re: dreams last night
@Kusimanse Naw. You're NOT going to believe this, but I got too fat to do it, and I was only able to get some of the glans at best.
re: dreams last night
@Leucrotta Eh, it happens, it's a challenging thing to do I'm sure. I sure can;t reach.
I'm not surprised you made it to kiss that big yeeen dick though.
dreams last night
@Leucrotta I mean, if you ever can do that again, I want a copy of that selfie.
.. I mean, I want selfies of you and/or your cock In about any circumstance. :)