
It's wild how Astartes might fall to Chaos after the Heresy. I mean, they really haven't known any other life and in what little spare time they have they Astartes to unwind. I'm now imagining some clean cut recently-Imperial-Fist or something standing bolt upright in his new brass and pink armor yelling I'M HERE FOR SEX DRUGS AND ROCK AND ROLL a moment before he turns to the weird warped thing to his left and politely asking "how DOES one sex, drugs and rock and roll anyway?"

@Leucrotta Just imagine the thrill She Who Thirsts gets from someone enthusiastically diving headlong into that sort of thing *and* asking for help from experts along the way.

@LexYeen "at first I thought I'd joined the wrong ruinous power - I mean, hitting things with an axe is what I'd always done, the writhing attack intestines thing is new - but after a few centuries I started really unclenching and just going with the communicable diseases, y'know what I mean?"

@Leucrotta ...Gods, devils, and taxmen. Now you've got me thinking about how gnarly a nurglite stoner cult would be.

@LexYeen You gotta admit that Nurgle is the closest to a laid back Chaos power. Although a stoner cult of the Horned Rat makes sense, though not for 40K.

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