Weird stuff that happened me today and scared the heck out of me.
Okay that person I met on the bus is actually very nice, my e-mail, turns out, is publicly displayed on the University intranet, and the Facebook thing was because they wanted to know what my Facebook was in order to add me :_D. It was a bit creepy at the beginning, but I feel lucky now ^^'!
Weird stuff that happened me today and scared the heck out of me.
Someone I met in the bus sent me a superfriendly e-mail about what we had spoken about and right after that I got an e-mail from Facebook saying a password change was requested. I didn't give them my e-mail???
I'm scared about what happened after I lost my wallet.
Crowds demonstrating in front of the headquarters of the Spanish Police in Barcelona chant,
"More firefighters, fewer police!"
"This building will become a library!"
via Catalan News on birdsite.
#catalunya #catalonia
Salut les Mastonautes Français ! Je cherche un travail en dev sur Rennes (sinon, je peux faire du télétravail !)
Je maîtrise le Ruby, le D, le C, le C++, le HTML5+CSS et je suis capable de me former très rapidement a d'autres technologies.
J'ai passé 2 ans à Epitech, que j'ai fini par quitter, mais j'étudie actuellement les langues à l'Université Rennes 2. De ce fait, je ne peux pas assurer une présence sur le lieu de travail à temps plein.
Boosts appréciés !
If you think about it, we have no proof everything outside our own mind exists as the only thing that proves our existence is the ability to think (the action of thinking requires a subject) and our senses are not a reliable source of evidence per se considering our reading of them is done by mental processes that can be altered and are subject to error. Philosophy was a fun subject x').
Harsh themes (police brutality) spoken
I made a thread on Twitter about what's going on here in #Catalonia! You can read about it here:
hey everyone go follow @Cerapter he's a timid cute spider
also welcome @emarl and @LyoTheLyon
(Girona, Catalonia; he) Hiii :3!