woo; compass rose
My exploration of my spirituality has me pointing to / looking at compass symbology repeatedly. I know I wouldn't have the only system to ascribe meaning to cardinal directions and to the image of a compass rose; does anyone else know the meanings associated with the compass rose and the cardinal directions?
Now that I'm out of school, I want to begin shaping myself into the person I'd like to be. Physically, mentally, spiritually. I've seen some amazing examples of my friends embracing inner truths and projecting them outwards; now that I'm in a context I can do that as well, I think it is important that I do too.
If I'm changing up my expression or jiggering with my thematics - that's part of what this is. I know large aspects of what I want. And it's going to be quite a path to get there.
drugs; woo
Yesterday, while very stoned, I get scared, and call for my friend Elluim. He hugs me, and at the same time, I feel the otterprene behind the mask hugging me. The following conversation ensues:
"How did you get here?"
"In your room?" he replies. "You called me, and I came."
"No," I reply, indicating my head, and then... the slightly shimmering patterns on the ceiling, the unreality. "-Here-. Up here, where I am."
He smiled knowingly. "You called me, and I came."
woo//ponderous conclusion
I can't speak to much knowledge of druidic systems.
That said, if I were trying to work a fire-association into a land-sea-sky metaphor, I'd personally look to either lava / magma / volcanos as part of the 'land' component, or the sun as a 'sky' component.
If the system is not strictly limited to three symbols, then maybe throw a 'cosmos' in there with solar / fire aspects .
Apologies if I'm speaking out my ass here. :)
Woo; Describing My Practice (8)
Anyway, I believe I've exploded your timelines enough for tonight. I thought it was important to get some of my thoughts out there.
Thank you for your time!
You are a good. Yes, you.
Woo; Describing My Practice (7)
It's not the whole of my practice, of course. There's work involving emotional states and pathos. Selena in particular is suited to that task. There's the whole tarot practice as well.
There's some notion that the work must both have internal components, but affect the outside world. Perhaps through behavior in the form of basing the foundations in particular virtues or values.
I study further, and continue to explore what it means to be me.
Woo; Describing My Practice (6)
I could go on. There seems to be some notion of knowledge and the empowerment through it as sacred, intrinsically valuable, personally resonant. I haven't even gotten into the themes present in Andromeda's character narrative which also run with the same colours.
What it 'means', I'm not all the way there yet. But the angles of fixation are increasingly obvious the more I do foundational Work.
Woo; Describing My Practice (5)
How, when studying the history of tarot cards, I sidetrack into thoughts about the printing press, and rather than seeing it as evil intrusive industralization, I regard the proliferation of knowledge and literacy to the masses and breaking the elite's monopoly on such as being a borderline sacred act.
The fact that I associate with a student archetype so much that I'm giving -myself- assignments.
Even my dabbling in technomancy as part of my exploration.
Woo; Describing My Practice (4)
My attempts to lay a foundation are still frought, but some signal is starting to come through in the noise.
My fixation on the suit of swords in tarot, particularly the court cards.
How I glow when @KoBunny tells me I'm aligned with the element of air, intellect and reason.
How the tale of Odin crucifying himself on Yggdrasil to learn the secrets of rune magic fascinates me.
How I frame my own secularism as personal truth at the cost of comfort. A choice.
Woo; Describing My Practice (3)
On the side of internal entity work, I presently have two 'advisors', constructed (from my psychologicalist perspective; YMMV on whether they're constructed) internal characters whom I can both bounce conversations off of and assume the role of for the purposes of doing Work; entering states of mind and reframing problems I'm working on. Their names are Selena and Andromeda.
Woo; Describing My Practice (2)
A lot of the work I've been doing thus far has been internal entity work, glyph work, and refining elements of practice. Along the way, I've had to examine, re-examine, and interrogate my base views of reality in a way that, while difficult, has also been refreshingly honest. Nothing like putting your beliefs in a crucible to see what comes out strongest.
Woo; Describing My Practice (1)
It occurs to me that I haven't talked much about my actual practice so much as the /status/ of my practice on here, initially because everything was very early and rudimentary and not fully formed. I believe enough of the contours of my practice are defined now that I can feel comfortable starting to talk in more depth about the work I've been doing.
Seriously though, every time this happens I actually come out a bit clearer headed and with a magick system that's slightly more stable and in line with my core beliefs.
I used the metaphor of a forge for this account, but a crucible would also have been appropriate.
Woo respository for an apprentice starting along her strange, strange path.