
cw: self-repair (minor) 

Ganglionic cysts are fluid-filled sacs that develop at wrist and finger joints. They're usually painless themselves, unless they press against a nerve, but they can impede motion of the joint. The permanent solution is surgical removal, but fluid can be drained for diagnostics.

My doctor is in no hurry to deal with the mess that is the swamp behind my right wrist.

She should never have put me on insulin if she didn't want me to normalize stabbing needles into my flesh.

cw: self-repair (minor) 

@Momentrabbit Please be careful, Bun bun...

cw: self-repair (minor) 

@JulieSqveakaroo It's not a trick I intend to perform often. My curiosity is satisfied: I'm going to arrange a consult with an expert, and be patient.

cw: self-repair (minor) 

@JulieSqveakaroo Actually, yes. Several cc of clear fluid was extracted from one of the subdermal nodules. The following day swelling in the affected region was found to be measurably less. So yay home surgery. n.n

The wrist as a whole is still a mess that defies easy diagnosis. I'd really like to figure out what's binding my index finger flexor: it could be another cyst, or osteoarthritic degeneration, or less likely things.

cw: self-repair (minor) 

@Momentrabbit We're just gonna build you a claw hand, at this point...

cw: self-repair (minor) 

@JulieSqveakaroo Oh, the backskritches I shall give. n.n

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