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Nights are getting worse.
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@porsupah Maybe. Pressing my nose against the glass isn't necessarily the best thing.
Need to get up for work in four hours: I'll try sleep for now.
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@Momentrabbit But you do have the most adorable noseprint. =:) Likewise on the need for sleep, notwithstanding.
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... and Leon's getting LARRRRRRRRRRGERRR...
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@JulieSqveakaroo We're only making plans for Nigel. Jane plays with Willie, Willie's happy againnd Greg he writes letters, and burns his CDs, theysayitwassomethinginthoseformativeyears
oh no
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@Momentrabbit *many hugs offered for friend bunnies*
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@Momentrabbit **hughug** Maybe a little Masto timeline viewing could help in some modest regard?