cuil 1.2, hume 30 and decreasing 

I keep hearing the faint but distinct sound of a ST:TOS medical tricorder just above and afore my right ear. Every so often, the warble breaks through the background noise at work.

Which is not a bad representation of how my brain would visualize tickling the temporal lobe of someone locked in a delusional state.

So. If somebody's trying to directly frob my perceptual, emotional or memory systems to get a message through?

You've got my attention.

Try harder.


cuil 1.2, hume 30 and decreasing 

@CoronaCoreanici The Hume scale normally spans 0 to 100 (abnormally much higher), for comparing the 'realness' of local realities. Generally speaking, so long as everything is at about the same Hume, you're ok. If you have a higher Hume than your surroundings, you can influence them anomalously. If they've a higher Hume than you, they're anomalously resistant to influence. Below .9, things get... bad. </SCP_Foundation>

cuil 1.2, hume 30 and decreasing 

@Momentrabbit Oh, I see! What's baseline reality/humanity at?

cuil 1.2, hume 30 and decreasing 

@CoronaCoreanici Arbitrarily, the baseline has been set to 1. (Apparently they initially tried to take *actual* measurements of what 'normality' is, but that proved frighteningly inconclusive. Sort of like 'room temperature' depends on where in the world your room is. ;)

More on Humes:

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