The scale of 'Dork I could take in a fight' to 'Wizard with a switchblade' energy.
my friend made me this and I've yet to decipher what it means
And no, to be clear, the problem is not overpopulation because Earth is not overpopulated.
The problem is a handful of rich countries spending a century building a culture filled with cheap disposable commodities, powered by setting fire to irreplaceable resources and oppression of those more vulnerable. Because a few people decided it was profitable, and lots of others didn't argue because it was convenient.
The problem is that humans are greedy and wasteful, and we need to stop.
RT Could join myself and @ClipClopBoom sometime.
The mindstate recorder let you relive a captured feeling for a couple of minutes.
The marketing hinted heavily at sexual climaxes, without saying so explicitly.
Market research revealed the most common names used for recordings were:
"Inbox zero"
"Application approved"
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories
@RobinHood But I'm Both these things. D:
@SixArmedSweater I'm more of an overpowered prototype, too weird to live and too rare to die.
re: dysphoria(-), hormones
@monsterblue Experiment, my body likes Estrogen, will run on Testosterone, but they all have their own color they bring to your life.
Physically, I like Estrogen better for a Billion reasons. But then again, I've got androgen insensitivity, so Testosterone never really Did it's Job, just makes me horny and manic.
Southern Mass's local machine healer and part time witchdoctor.
Tiny motorcycles, magic potions, machine tools, progressive rock, trance states, and hand sharpened drill bits. Oh, and I read Tarot. Probably 18+ just to be sure.