I mean, it realistically doesn't make any impact on the world but... a little less garbage in the streets can't HURT.
re: body image
I've blended the edge a little with eyeliner to soften the effect but..... this is Not A Good Look
re: mh
I'm beginning to think that what's happening here is actually just that three hours is how long it currently takes to burn through my dealing-with-the-world battery after recharging overnight, rather than a failure of my meds or self-care. There's just too much world happening right now and it's tanking my battery life.
Update: decided to just go ahead and try it. Conclusion is..... pretty nice! Used a couple of sprigs of fresh sage and a pinch of dried orange peel, steeped in hot water for ~10 mins.
re: healthcare
I mean, at least I /CAN/ sometimes take public transit. I have immunocompromised friends in similar circumstances, how the fuck does the pharmacy expect them to get their meds???
Art Rodent, queer as hell, he/they
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