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Not nearly enough people are acknowledging how incredibly funny my dumb joke is >:(

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When you peg someone who runs RPGs for you, that's called "Sliding in to your DMs"

Life update, wildfires 

Our area went under mandatory evacuation early Sunday morning. We're currently staying at my mother's house, in the room that was my bedroom as a teenager. The room has changed a lot, but... lot of bad memories here. Feels kind of like sleeping in a hotel modeled after a half-remembered nightmare.


😈-8 days left before the campaign's end on November 6th
😈-56% more before $24,000
😈-We'd need ~297 USA-based pledges for JUST the book to make goal! That's it!
Support LGBTQ+ erotica artwork and LGBTQ+ artists today with BOOK OF SHADOWS: BUFFOMET!

trauma, wildfires 

Bonus points: a power surge made our router go nuts, so I'm stuck using data to keep track of things

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trauma, wildfires 

I didn't even really lose anything in the last fire, we spent a week in a horrible limbo uncertain if everything we owned had been destroyed and hearing conflicting reports of the extent of the damage, but in the end our home was safe. I can't even imagine how the people who lost their homes last time are feeling right now.

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trauma, wildfires 

It's at the county line and hasn't gotten close enough for our city to be on alert yet, but I'm having flashbacks to two years ago and it's fucking terrifying. A big part of me desperately wants to stay up to keep an eye on it, because that's what got us out in a timely manner last time. But I know it's bad to indulge in hypervigilance like that, and I took cold meds earlier this evening so I am...... very tired... But the thought of going to sleep makes me feel horrible???

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I made Curry for the first time a few nights ago! Chicken-pumpkin, using one of those instant roux bricks and some homemade chicken stock. It turned out really well, and I think next I want to try making some curry stuffed buns!

Meds (~) 

By far the WEIRDEST side effect I've gotten from my ADD meds is that they make me need reading glasses. When I'm off the meds, the glasses help but I'm fine without them. I guess it must interfere with ciliary muscle control or something?

re: MH, self-destructive habits 

Things in my life are going pretty well rn, so I wish I knew what has me on high alert. :( Or at least what to do about it.

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MH, self-destructive habits 

I've had a real case of Bad Brains for the last week or two, and it's begun to manifest as Constant Tension and Compulsive Picking. :( I've always been a bit prone to compulsions like that, but it's been a while since it got this bad.

(I'll admittedly occasionally chat and/or shitpost over on that one too, but there's decidedly less Feelings over there)

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Just a reminder, this is my personal account~

You can find my art/professional account over at


Why am I so GROSS I showered LAST NIGHT??? I HAVEN'T BEEN ACTIVE??? But I feel covered in grime. :(

Today's random act of kindness: Sent a sticker care package to a complete stranger whose family was being shitty to them about coming out! Got those warm fuzzies.

I can't tell if I'm getting sick or just handling the heat poorly

Made some great progress playing Beat Saber today! :D I think I'll be ready to properly tackle expert levels soon.

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