Social cooling is a really frightening concept:
Coffee, I don't drink coffee often, but when I do, it's usually just a cup or two.
woke up way too early, can't get back to sleep, so I guess I'll work on this some more
On the other hand, kinda want to have the "setting" be in IDW G1 continuity, on Cybertron, after the war is over, and new and fresh faces are "coming home" for the first time.
Macaddams? (third paragraph)
Though I think that term is in use by the tf community I'm not part of.
Swerve's Bar is kinda obvious, in that it's deniably generic, and there's some cool fan stuff made for it already.
Okay, I'm embarking on a journey, an attempt to make a #Transformers themed instance.
I have no idea what I'm doing.
First step is very hard, but will certainly not be the hardest: coming up with a name.
"Should we put these in some kind of order? Sorting alphabetically would be really easy."
"That would be too much work! Just build a search field instead."
Beakley in the new DuckTales is cool as a cumber.
Also looks like a bodyguard, in that bodyguards are usually wearing suits that weren't designed for people that buff so it looks really tight.
@vahnj I heard you liked good doggos
It's so much easier to hit more follow buttons than it is to deal with an already too-fast-scrolling timeline :(
me: don't go opening more tabs of porn until you've finished, uh, 'appreciating' the dozen tabs of porn you already have open!
also me: but poooooorn
me: if you open too many tabs you'll crash your browser and lose all your porn tabs
also me: oh no, my precious porn!
me: now be a good boy and sort through what you have first
If I had the resources, I would make and sell "hot dog length" buns that cost more, just to test the market. Could even put the longer "bun length" hot dogs in them to have the meat sticking out like they do in artistic interpretations.
Moved to @Mycroft