parents, uk pol consequences, family, racism, violence
And then she goes on this spiel about how he was really upset by it but he's always been pessimistic and he should be more optimistic-
for fucks sake mum, he's got every right to be "pessimistic", thanks to brexit it emboldened racists and nazi fuckheads like I FUCKING TOLD YOU it would. How is thinking positively about all his friends going to fucking help when he's bleeding out because of a quirk of genetics?!
parents, uk pol consequences, family, racism, violence
@Nine :( *hugs* I don't... how do... GUH *hugs again*
parents, uk pol consequences, family, racism, violence
@Fenreliania my anger is only tempered by my likewise confusion about how my mother can be this ...just...utterly oblivious... fuck only knows what my dad's thoughts on this shit are. I can barely get a read on the guy as it is.
parents, uk pol consequences, family, racism, violence
fun fact my mum's from india my dad's from england lucky me I pass as white but I get to watch my little brother who definitely doesn't thanks to him inheriting my mum's skin tone get attacked by ignorant racists his whole fucking life through no fault of his own and he could die at any time as a result. thank fuck he knows martial arts. jfc.
I love her to bits but for fucks sake I wonder how I'm related sometimes... jfc my poor brother...