tip of the day: computer fairies is an actively moderated safe space for queer and furry folks that does not tolerate any sort of discrimination
(you don't need to be queer or furry to join us!)
'you can buy a crime in the shop now because it now has a crime in it and the crime is me'
Carrousel horsey adopt :0 https://twitter.com/hysterianimalia/status/989579668482396160?s=19
this story about a ZX Spectrum emulator developed right in the middle of the Bosnian War is some serious shit
touch fluffy tail.
header is from deathgenerator.com/
Avatar is a picrew thing I have forgotten/lost argh dangit.
Backup/Alt account for @Nine for when things occasionally break, or if I need a venty place, or if I'm being uncharacteristically "lewd", which is... extremely rare in and of itself, lol.
Rarely used, but still active in some respect!