re: work, javascript
@catgoat I mean I'm still trying to convince people that documentation is good. :P
re: work, javascript
@catgoat Work sadly resists my efforts to convince them to use typescript or flow. :(
re: work, javascript
Backend developer doing frontend work: _.isNull(thing) && _.isUndefined(thing)
Me: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@SomeEgrets What is your fursona? We just don't know. Pfft. Missiles are the superior mecha weapon.
@SomeEgrets Top five otters plz.
@minty_da Speak for yourself.
@minty_da Lewd
re: HRT
@AzureHusky Think of the money you're going to save on dog walking!
re: HRT
@AzureHusky Nice! The thing I miss least in the world is spiro I think. :P
re: GRS Countdown
@electroCutie aaaaaaa! Good luck!
Trans female robotic river otter from space!
/r/furry telegram mod.
Expect space posts and radio garbage!