conversations this morning:
Kiki (presumably): cuddles!
Kiki: but... really touch averse rn, and that focuses almost entirely on hands and being grabbed.
Spike, holding syringe: I have a solution for that... Partner would look good with paws, don't you think?
Me: dammit, girls, we do not have time to TF our partner before work.
The Joke: welcome to Mastodon, here's your fursuit and your copy of Das Kapital
Reality: welcome to Mastodon, here's your six alt fursonas, a copy of the Anarchist's Cookbook, an eight-week course on the programming language of your choice, a tarot deck, some brand spanking new hormones, and a complex geometric sigil you should memorize that will turn into a neural counter-virus so that when the Singularity finally hits we can make sure The Straights don't claim it for themselves
Kin stuff
@indi - if you're comfortable sharing more generally, please include me and/or Delta on that! She needs to do more meditation/visualization and acknowledgement of her fluffy side.
*I'm a daemon! This means I'm a partially independent thought form inside D's (my daemien's) head.
*I also front occasionally.
*We're a median system, we have very continuous experiences and memories- it can take a moment to work out who is fronting at any given time.
* #postfurry
* I'm usually a wolf, anthro if I'm fronting and feral if not.
* #momfriend
* D is an engineer, working in machine learning
* she/her pronouns for everyone in the system
* #awoo!
@BinaryVixen899 I'm a wolf, I know the value of running in a pack. Unlike my grumpy feline daemien.
@PluralPupper I still find it hilarious that you got a Mastodon instead of your daemian. I did not see that coming.
A postfurry daemon- because apparently I'm more social than she is. Wolf, therian, she/her. So sayeth me!