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Offering affirmation to the people you like who feel like they don't fit in is often a super helpful thing.

A lot of people have often felt on here they aren't welcome or wanted or they're doing something wrong and often nothing is further from the truth.

💖 @Xkeeper It just doesn't have a back anymore >.> but it was a cheap (for an office chair) $75 IKEA chair... @Xkeeper yes we're all fine .-.;;; just heavily flustered...

aaaaaaa and @Xkeeper made me blush so hard calling me cute that I leaned back in my chair and covered my face and my chair snapped in half .///////////.


@astro Is a perfectly valid language and tool! It has problems and pitfalls, sure, but it still works and is useful for lots of people!

Music mood: Blue Cave, from Quest 64, arranged and orchestrated by ADeafBat on Youtube.

programming Exactly!

programming I don't mind pointing out flaws with a tool/language, or suggesting a better one constructively! But when it devolves into "if you use X language, you're wrong/bad/shouldn't be programming," or "X language should be deleted because it's bad" without realizing that that tool has a purpose, then something is obviously wrong.

@masklayer I'm just imagining packs of cards like this being throwing weapons, and using them like Gambit from X-Men >.>


I don't understand bashing programming languages or people who use them.

Programming languages are tools. They were built for a purpose, and despite maybe not being the "best" tool for a particular job, if they can still do that job, then using them for it is fine.

Telling people that they are (essentially) terrible programmers because they don't use the newest or most fashionable tool doesn't advocate for your tool of choice.

It just makes you look like a douche.

Realizing I forgot to put "6502/65816 assembly" on my resume and it's probably a programming language I have more experience with than almost any other >.>;;;

It isn't like anybody would actually hire me for that, heh... but it would make for interesting conversation, especially at GDC, I guess?

trans stuff, neg, don't read, implied sui 

kind of just want to curl up in bed and cry, a lot, and maybe just not wake up, ever...

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trans stuff, neg, don't read 

I don't know what to do and I feel alone tonight again ;~;

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trans stuff, neg, don't read 

I'm a girl but don't really pass that well if you look closely at all;
I don't have any way of supporting myself and my partners are always depressed because of it;
I have horrible, crippling anxiety that makes me feel alone even when I have people around me all the time supporting me;
that same anxiety makes it impossible for me to talk with people I look up to and want to make friends with;
and it also makes anything I do feel completely useless...

hi. to get this on the feddy timeline, the latest masto changed it so that cws are explicitly ignored in link previews you send to people on telegram, discord, etc.

so. just letting you know.

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