@chr @anthracite @weird_hell @nolan @lifning @Roady_Dragonfae @fluffy was fantastic meeting all of you - I look forward to doing it again sometime soon when I have fewer pending holiday activities to worry about ;) all around
@fluffy @djsundog @chr@cybre.space @anthracite @weird_hell@cybre.space @nolan @lifning@cybre.space
I definitely enjoyed hanging out tonight! And I'm glad I could bring Uriah along for the ride. I wasn't sure what would happen, but at the end of it all... I don't regret it! It was a pleasure meeting you all, and I look forward to future gatherings!
@Roady_Dragonfae @fluffy @djsundog @chr @anthracite @weird_hell @lifning Likewise! Loved meeting all you folks, and looking forward to the next #MastoconSeattle 😊