Hey @starkatt, you seem like the most likely person to know out of the people we know; do you know what the proper method for stripping polyimide-insulated litz wire is? Considering it has thousands of individually-insulated strands I assume you're not meant to manually remove the insulation from each one. Is there a solvent to use or something?
No problem if you don't know, I just thought I'd ask just in case. I can't seem to find anything online.
@Rosemary not a clue, sadly.
@Rosemary My guess would be to burn it off, like magnet wire?
@starkatt Polyimide is heat-resistant, I believe. It's the same material as kaptan tape.
We're only getting the polyimide one because it was what the manufacturer happened to have in stock, and getting exactly what we need would have meant a MOQ of over a thousand feet.
@Rosemary ah :/
@starkatt Current thoughts are to try dipping it in methyl ethyl ketone, dichloromethane, a dilute solution of formic acid, or a concentrated solution of sodium hydroxide.
Apparently, kaptan has a temperature rating of 400°C, so maybe if we could exceed that by a substantial amount, say heating it to 800° or 1000°, it might burn off, but lacking a high-temperature solder bath I don't know how we're going to do that.
@starkatt Then again, we _are_ getting a propane torch meant for soldering copper pipe together. Maybe that could do it? We'll have to see.
@Rosemary fuckin' torch it, mate :)