@monorail Ah, so it's probably going to be released in a future version then. I think I'll just wait for that--I'd rather not lose save data.
@Rosemary that's valid
if you back up the game folder there'd be no risk but i can't fault you for not wanting to mess with that
@monorail Oh, and I just saw that the weird double-level I was wondering about before has been removed in today's update. Seems it was a mistake on the developer's part.
@Rosemary oh, whoops
@Rosemary i actually already had this open in another tab :D https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1686041344
you have to mod out a couple of "is this the debug build?" checks, but it's just lua scripts so nbd
the real problem is that it's definitely not polished or complete, but it does work