for (int n = 1; n <= 5; n++) {
fprintf(stdout, "%d: nurbs\n", n);
Like, I'll admit the old designs are more complicated because they built their own DC power supplies for some reason, but... why would you do that now when you can buy a PSU module off mouser for like five bucks
@Nurbs I call those "days that end in -y"
Too many things to check at once just scatters my attention all over the place and it's reeeeeeal easy to fall into a black hole of never quite catching up fast enough.
I wish we had uh, like. Slower social media that wasn't a complete disaster.
@Nurbs I have to alternate between turning on a space heater because it's 18C when I get there in the morning, and a fan when it heats up in the afternoon.
Our HVAC is a useless nightmare!
@makyo I think you're just balancing out my "this stopped working and nobody knows why"
I can't go to hell - I'm all out of vacation days.
Birds are good. Computers are bad. I'm too old for this.