The local park has a pretty good view
@fullywoolly Thanks! Nice Groucho glasses :)
@tfproxy Eh, it's just a matte painting and a little lens work.
@tfproxy Whoa whoa whoa I do practical effects here, okay? That's not CGI, it took DAYS to get this effect set up right.
@tfproxy Okay, you can burn down the matte painting I GUESS. I mean, the shot's already done, so...
@Altivo It's Rainier. It's a pretty good mountain, we like having it here.
@Soreth Yeah, it impressed me when I was out there, gosh, almost 40 yrs ago. Even though I only saw it from the airplane due to the low clouds all week. Went hiking in the Cascades too, but so foggy I didn't see much but mountain sheep.
@Soreth Is that Rainier? Pretty good is an understatement I think.