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A note for anyone seeing this profile from my Twitter: I won't allow followers if I can't be sure who you are. I talk sometimes about personal things on here, and would rather keep that to people I trust.

As great as Mastodon's privacy settings are, they're still not up to scratch compared to Livejournal.

god. Completed SMTV...
... now to edit the stream down for the LP finale...

We do recall of a method to do this with pure HTML/CSS, for doing drop-down menus, but that barely got any use and JS became so ubiquitous that everyone did it the JS way anyway.

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You know what, we really need a pure HTML/CSS spoiler/content-warn-collapse HTML tag. It's a pretty common function, though admittedly the layout and structure of such things varies from website to website.

... and the thing it solves: activating JS to open read-mores on toot direct links, is moot when the up-to-date instances require JS to load anything (grump) anyway~.

Double ugh: turns out my CSS userstyle solution for thumbnail heights breaks spoilered/CW'ing images - collapses their height entirely and makes it look like there's no image there at all.

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ughhhhh trying to untangle this web app weird css is just not fun
someone else do it

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Current solution works, but - with letterboxing on - it introduces a small space underneath any short images, and doesn't centre tall images.
With letterboxing off the small space vanishes, but instead seems to cut off rounded corners instead. May have other weirdness too, hrm.

height: unset !important;
min-height: 0px !important;
max-height: 309px !important;
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I don't like that generally the newest version of Mastodon, looking at other instances, is maybe trying to more be inviting to Twitter users. It has trending now! Don't you want to engage with the popular stuff, like all the normies~?

... man I still wish shorter-than-wide images were collapsed vertically though. At least on awoo, any image I post always takes up a full 16:9 space.

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Hmm, no, I don't think I like what appears to be inline metrics on the latest version of Mastodon, looking at other instances.

Making metrics less obvious was a good thing, actually.

vr selfies, implied adult joke 

Hmm, I wonder what this place is...

Not that I really want to be CWing everything but I do wish image thumbnails were a bit smaller sometimes. Like if it's shorter than it is wide by a certain amount bias that, but beyond a certain point just crop the sides as is standard.

twitter bit 

The last post I made on Twitter was a good bit reference and the more Twitter stays up/people post the more y'all are mucking it up!!

... so when are we going to get a federated video hosting service, so we're not beholden to Youtube?

It seems like a good idea in theory, it's just unfortunately held back by both the space and bandwidth demands of hosting/streaming video.

Google+ actually had some good ideas in terms of friend circles and other design choices.

It just was very Google and wanted legal names (and pushed that into Youtube) and that just ruined everything else about it.

What? Mastodon (main fork) update now requires javascript to load anything at all on permalinks outside the "app"/interface side? UGHHHHHH.

We're really tired of every website everywhere using javascript to load content - this web-appifying of everything. It's an absolutely baffling disregard for HTML. Don't see any reason at all for it to need to do this.

re: Chaos;Child minor spoilers, transcript 

Kunosato: "By dead spots, I refer to the blind spots in the visual cortex of the human brain."
"Affecting these areas means transmitting your own delusions into them, so that the target sees your delusion."
"When that happens, the target perceives that delusion as a completely real phenomenon."

[Note: delusion = daydream]

Miyashiro: "B-but that's just a hallucination, isn't it? It's no different than hypnosis."

Kunosato: "Hypnosis? Really? Then what if every single person around you recognises that delusion as reality?"

Miyashiro: "Every single person?"

Kunosato: "That's right. And what if by 'everyone', I meant 'every single person in Shibuya'?"
"Or what if that spread to everyone in Tokyo, then everyone in Japan, and then everyone in the world? Who would tell you it wasn't real?"

Miyashiro: "Th-that's..."

Kunosato: "At that point, your delusion ceases to be a fantasy or hallucination. It then becomes reality. That's why we call it realbooting."

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Chaos;Child minor spoilers, on magic/woo 

The interesting thing about Chaos;Child (and Chaos;Head)'s concept of the Dirac Sea, "delusions", and consensus reality, is it reminds us a little of some things we've read before on some magic/kin-related personal websites back in the late-00s/early-10s.

There was a web page that supposed that, if everyone in the world sincerely believed a specific person could use fire magic, then they could. And that was what "real magic" was. Which just seemed a little silly to us, especially when you factor in that a significant portion of people require evidence or experience to "believe" something.

But regardless this concept here is just the same, really. Only involving some theory involving negative energy and antiparticles.

(Screenshot transcript in next toot.)

The Voice Someone Calls

That seems unwise, Arin.

(cw for body horror in full image)

We've been setting up our FA ( on the chance it's going to get more hits as furries go back to it, and then remembered... oh right we should probably add "don't add my art to e621" to our profile because otherwise lurkers that use artists like a commodity will make off with our uploads. :T

social media meta, twitter, deviantart, grump 

Could websites please stop treating artists like a commodity?


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Awoo Space is a Mastodon instance where members can rely on a team of moderators to help resolve conflict, and limits federation with other instances using a specific access list to minimize abuse.

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