Overanalyzing magic for fun
Does an invisibility spell only hide you from visible light, and still leave you exposed to infrared and night-vision?
If it DOES hide you in infrared, what happens to blackbody radiation? Standard humans lose 65% of their shed heat through radiation, mostly as infrared light. If it's *suppressed* instead of just erased somehow, would invisibility spells overheat you or protect you from the cold?
Overanalyzing magic for fun
@VoxSomniator ... what would happen if we *didn't* lose most of our heat through radiation, could that help with surviving harsher climates.
wait, "standard" humans?
Overanalyzing magic for fun
@Taylor The principle behind those shiny mylar "space blankets" is stopping heat loss through radiation! That's how they're so warm with so little material. They bounce your infrared glow back into you.
Yes, standard humans, not covered in water or a space blanket or anything.
Overanalyzing magic for fun
@VoxSomniator Doctor Who's TARDIS runs on this, and Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy calls it a "Somebody Else's Problem Field".
In some sense there's *less* problems with a psychic field of "please ignore me" than trying to explain how light can pass through solid objects without affecting the physical makeup of the objects.