What? Mastodon (main fork) update now requires javascript to load anything at all on permalinks outside the "app"/interface side? UGHHHHHH.
We're really tired of every website everywhere using javascript to load content - this web-appifying of everything. It's an absolutely baffling disregard for HTML. Don't see any reason at all for it to need to do this.
I feel like they are speedrunning "copy twitter"
@saphire @Taylor That's funny and all... But what is their justification honestly? Everyone here is complaining, but there must be a reason. Did they give any in any sort of documentation? They should have, if not try asking the devs. Honestly the reason might be simply that it's easier to maintain (in theory)? I have no fucking clue, I did web development for a class and was told to use Javascript stuff. And I don't use the web stuff, I use Tusky
@saphire @Bot Yeah. You don't need JS to render text posts. That's unnecessary. I block js by default, as do many people I know. If a page doesn't load *anything* without it, sometimes I won't even bother. (I often just give up with Pleroma pages.)
If you want dynamic content? That's what server-side languages are for. JS is not for that. It shouldn't be being used for that.
@Taylor @Bot
...fediverse posts are actually HTML (a subset of it), but get it mostly
And... uh. I do see valid uses of JS, please do not cut down all and any use of it for "dynamic content". Initial content should preferably be served from the server when possible, but it's not always the easiest solution, etc
God I hate this absolutism on the topic between "ALL THE JS" vs "NO JS, BURN IT ALL" x.x