microfiction, kinda somber
The astronomer pinched their mandibles as they looked through the data. All those other galaxies were so beautiful, wonderfully variegated with bluer hues further out, with yellowish tones inside; some had neat spiral arms, others were more flocculent, all were full of young stars.
And then there was home. An almost featureless, ghostly white wisp in the night sky, with slight hints of dust trails that could only be properly studied in the past few icosades.
microfiction, kinda somber (part 2)
This galaxy was old. Much older than the others; no appreciable amount of star formation was going to be happening here bar a collision with another galaxy.
The revelation felt strange, to be among the last civilizations this place was ever going to bring forth, together with anyone else out there. It wouldn't have any real impact on anyone around today.
All the more reason to make the best out of it while it lasts, perhaps.