@irisjaycomics @AzureHusky can't wait for '80s/'90s cyberpunk predictions of what the world would look like today to come off the same way mid-20th century predictions of the future came off by the time the '90s and the '00s happened
@irisjaycomics @Thaminga honestly we basically live in Shadowrun but without headjacks, less Japanese as exoticism, and less cool clothing and body hacking
@irisjaycomics @Thaminga I mean they're just less visibly elves but I'll eat my foot if elfkin aren't a thing
@AzureHusky @irisjaycomics oh you fucking bet they're a thing
but for real if we're gonna live in cyberpunk hellworld with consensus reality being a fucking joke anyway at least give me my Actual Goddamn Lycanthropy Infection for fuck's sake
@irisjaycomics @Thaminga actually I take it back Kpop Stans on Twitter are basically this
@AzureHusky lmfao