probably not actually that hot of a take; worldpol but uspol in particular, police
I've been saying it on birdhell over and over now, but I figured I should probably pipe up about it here too.
No, there are no genuinely *good* cops, and there's a reason I say that. Can individual police officers be kind people? Sure, but at the end of the day they're still complicit in a system of racist abuse both in the US and well, well abroad - and ignoring that is very much falling into the trap of "well, they're nice to *me*" that's often seen with people talking about their bigoted friends.
But here's the real reason why there are no good cops: The ones who *do* genuinely try to do good by changing it very quickly stop being cops. Either they quit the force because they realize there's nothing they can do, get fired (the usual result) or worse still, end up in jail or get murdered outright by other cops themselves for trying to upset the status quo that drew said other cops in to begin with.
So yeah, ACAB.