The mix of constant bad and good news is almost more jarring than if it were always bad
Always bad feels like "oh we're in The Bad Place and just need to understand everything will be terrible forever"
With the SCOTUS ruling it feels more like "the universe is rolling on a wild magic table every day and just doing what the fuck ever"
@irisjaycomics @AzureHusky what do you mean this hasn't been the entirety of 2020 so far along with like the entire late 2010s
@AzureHusky @Thaminga @irisjaycomics that was THIS year!?
@irisjaycomics @AzureHusky @Thaminga ah, the ultimate mood
@irisjaycomics @fluxom_alt @Thaminga god this is the fucking mood
@fluxom_alt @Thaminga @irisjaycomics 2020 is at least 7 decades long
@Thaminga @irisjaycomics we are still in the same year they killed mr peanut at the super bowl