@Eldritch_Horrorgirl Whoa, digging your avatar!
@Ulfra_Wolfe thank you kindly!
I really like skitter and it's some damn good art! A perfect combo
@Eldritch_Horrorgirl I actually am unfamiliar with the lore, but did a quick google search and am interested in looking into more.
@Ulfra_Wolfe listen I love worm
But it's also something I'm hard pressed to recommend in a lot of ways
The author is kind of a dick, there's a lot of uneasant content and a really bleak tone that's prevalent
But there IS some fantastic stuff in there, I'd love to talk about it any time, if I haven't scared you off?
@Eldritch_Horrorgirl I'm hard to scare off, I've read *and* written some pretty dark fiction.
Creators being dicks isn't exactly new, sigh. :/ It's unfortunate.
@Eldritch_Horrorgirl I take the stuff I like, leave the stuff I don't, then mix and match and make my new thing with it.
@Ulfra_Wolfe I really enjoy that philosophy
Honesty if someone did that to a story I told I'd be flattered they found something that stuck with them enough they wanted to use it