the midnight absolutely killing it again.
Legit I think they have this, even on their upbeat tracks, this subtle melancholic, whistfulness to it that grounds it in a sense of "hey, These feelings stay but these times have passed, this isn't _Old_ music, this is music that understands that it's sound is a simulation of _old_ things, these times were dark too, the past can't be idealized, even if it's fondly remembered."
@Valerie_Elysee Yes, we are haunted by semantic ghosts now called memetics. We always have been. Language has an influence on thought. Words used, weasel words, political speech. Good schools cover it a lot.
But this goes many ways. Language has influence for good *and* ill.
@Valerie_Elysee But in media and music, and the like, there's always revivals, new spins on old saws, syncretizing the old with the new. New remixes of classics. But also new ways of making music with classical instruments (like electric violin, that's cool to me)