Heard on Twitter.com: "Outside of how aggressive they are about it, there's no real differences between the policies of Trump and Bernie"
@tahajin @Ulfra_Wolfe
I hate that this tactic works so much though!
Just, say obviously wrong thing, have everyone blow up on it, and then boom, mainstreaming of idea achieved.
Thanks a lot availability heuristic. I hate it.
@Irick @tahajin Yeah, it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't principle. The point is to set you on the back foot and unbalance you, and if you ignore it it goes unchallenged but hopefully unnoticed, if it goes challenged it goes definitely noticed.
But I mean, this is from asshole fans of met0kur, who were name-searching someone who responded to a tweet of mine, so they're already harassing assholes by default.
I just rolled my eyes, quoted Bernie, blocked.
*offers hugs*
Sometimes that's all you can do.
I really wish I could come up with nice piffy counters sometimes though! It's frustrating to engage on that front.