These three were nowhere near each other -- the "egg boy" is from Australia.
One is that alt-right guy going "What about the memes?" among people he thought were his allies, and he got treated as brutally as any other.
That is where your real enemy is. Follow the chokeholds.
FYI: I found out about the Tierra Blanca ranch because I vaguely remembered teen boot camps hired people who used choke holds for fatal effect.
Note that you will not be taught to routinely put a person in a choke hold. It is banned from MMA and wrestling everywhere I've heard. They are difficult to do reliably and safely.
however: They sure make it easy to do grievous harm quickly to someone handcuffed right in front of you if you're a cop.
Says something people were learning to do this decades ago
There is a "troubled teen" industry, and it has claimed 10,000 to 14,000 children put through hell and indoctrination, learning a "might makes right" enslaved bullying environment.
They then filter into your police and military because god-fearing families like that tend to suck on the military's guns.
I know SEVERAL PEOPLE who have been THREATENED with military school for noncompliance, or put through it!!!!
Child abuse, indoctrination, militarization in the United States: Gateway Military School, Abuse
I randomly look up a Christian military school for troubled teens, look for an abuse story, easy to find.