Even then, now I got 11 hours of twitter silence except DMs.
I still got here, though.
Hey, everything is fucked, innit? Anyways, I got ideas where the occult meet a lot of the way things are fucked up (especially eclectic Christian ideas of supremacy -- esoteric Christian organizations like Rosicrusian, etc.), and here's a connection for you: Isn't it creepy that the Ghostbusters cartoon just got altered so quickly?
Doing so well, in comes this Q5 focus group. "Family friendly!"
Rosicrucian Fellowship, btw, believe in a "Second Coming", and have a whole thing about willing into action. Also liked triangles a lot.
Not saying it's the *center* of anything, but there's an awful lot of evangelical-based, "second-coming"-based fellowships, military schools, private schools, anti-drug boot camps, etc. that all seem to point in bad directions and people who are more or less aligned in certain ways but don't know each other others.