@Leucrotta Yes! Mostly. Very busy but productive. Family chores.
@Zero_Democracy It's all too easy to get lost in the swing of things with a new work schedule and managing all the real life chores I need to do
@amphetamine@social.wxcafe.net @noelle I'm ok!!!!
@noelle Uuuuh, what a time for me to not use mastodon for a while
I'm okay!!! D: D: D:
I fucking love trans people so much.
I don't know anyone other group who do honestly and joyfully pursues *who they are*, what they want, as trans people. I'm not even talking about in gender. So many of us have, in realizing we can break out of our assigned gender, realized that none of the boxes we are forced into have to apply. We patch together amazing, unique selves out of our real, honest interests and desires. Its so fucking beautiful.
@Alistor It's a beautiful name!
hahaha while I was working on the Silicon Dawn bot, the @selfcare bot told me to "keep a deck of cards handy". https://botsin.space/@selfcare/100688474711096976
Best coincidence. :)
vore kink thirst //
@Lioness Right? <3
getting long as well as salty
@mysidia @ulvra You and I honestly think a lot alike on this and that's a damn good rant you made.
I'm just a bit... fatigued, cynical, but I absolutely agree. And besides the fact that some assholes can try to distort things, they tend to let slip their intentions.
But I think I went well off course what you were intending, and I apologize if I seemed like I was trying to downplay or diminish your idea. That was not my intent, I think you got a good idea going
I'm going to lower my rates for tarot!
For my regular spread (past, present, two futures), I'm asking for $10. For bigger spreads listed here, I'm asking for $15: https://tarotprophet.com/6-most-common-tarot-spreads-and-their-uses/
I will be using the Silicon Dawn, but have other optional decks. DM me if interested!
@Azure Even if there was a God, even if he was all powerful, he's still not going to damn well define MY fucking meaning.
@mysidia It also strikes me something:
There's a lot of people whom empathy seems to come naturally to. They construct moral statements like this so people can get along, be happier, work together, be cooperative, and have empathy for those in pain.
But those who don't care about empathy & pain, and only see a short-sighted "us" vs. a more universal love, who develop a very narcissistic view, don't see the value of empathy.
The "rules" become something to exploit.
Nettle -- a punk rock sheep. Ulfra - big wolf mama tf witch. Vedia -- Witch girl with magic sword. Wolf & sheep kin. Hazel and Willow are my sisters. Refugee from witches.town. An open book -- talk to me and I'll try to talk back as much as I can!