The Night of the Rabbit - Game Trailer
LOVE this game!
unionizing, anti-capitalism, I.W.W.
@Ulfra_Wolfe I know the feeling. Even though there's a lot of joy in my life, there's a lot of hardship these days too, and sometimes I really want to be *swimming* more than *treading water*.
I spend so much time coping, I can't remember what it is to live and feel free and happy.
@Ulfra_Wolfe 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I’m fucking proud these spaces exist
@Zaiaku 669 hours.
Wish I answered 3 hours earlier.
American Politics rant (2)
Like Sarah Palin. Jon Stewart tore her apart, and pointed out that EVERYTHING she said had to come down to Democrat vs. Republican. If talking about Oprah Winfrey, she couldn't talk about a *person*, but instead a *Democrat*, therefore time to up the hate.
There's no negotiating with someone like that, no reasoning with them.
American Politics rant
Like, you know that Lincoln had to practice some corrupt ass practices to get Emancipation through? But he did it. Corruption used for good purpose.
But like, you HAVE to cheat the system. You HAVE to. And everyone wants to push their own ideas through, and many of them have so little life experience outside of politics
Trump rant
Dude's coming out more and more with totalitarian language. Saying that immigrants are "invading" straight up. I mean, not that this is anything NEW, just.
America elected Trump.
America did that. Every bit of how that system worked. Every person that got propelled to the top. All trying to act like perfect people who had no mistakes, then got cut down if they did have mistakes.
It's a country full of passion, but so little sense.
Nettle -- a punk rock sheep. Ulfra - big wolf mama tf witch. Vedia -- Witch girl with magic sword. Wolf & sheep kin. Hazel and Willow are my sisters. Refugee from An open book -- talk to me and I'll try to talk back as much as I can!