Hey y'all, I wanna wait until I get some income before asking for new chain mail projects from @adeptomega@snouts.online -- but I'm gonna say that I REALLY liked the German flag-colored and trans flag-colored bracelets made for me. Unfortunately, I've lost them :(
Was extremely affordable, too!
I'm sure they're in one of the packing boxes, things have been hectic.
Misogyny, transphobia
RT @UglaStefania@twitter.com
These are four cis women who won the 400m run at a tournament in Daqing, Heilongjiang. They have become targets in this bitter culture war by those who claim to be 'protecting women' - who in the same breath don't think that these women look 'women enough' to be women.
Please help my sister. Please.
RT @alexamckay8@twitter.com
I need help.
There’s also only four things on my wish list now. Not mandatory but thank you for even taking a look if you do https://twitter.com/alexamckay8/status/1165684522505121794
And the people who stuck by me and helped me are now all part of my "clique", to be easily disregarded as people with their own abilities to form conclusions or look at data, because they care about me.
That's it.
They care about me. That's literally the reason why they're silenced.
I've been through hell and back, and I look back at all the relationships cut because I came out against abuse, and I look back at how miserable my life has been and wonder why people are surprised I'm such a nasty angry bitch
To help my family, I worked as a FedEx package handler.
It was fucking hell.
I was treated like a drone. Like a slave.
They're getting worse. There's too many packages.
It was a cold snap. It was freezing hell.
I wish I could convey well enough without requiring content warnings just how in hell I felt.
@Ulfra_Wolfe I have a suspicion that a lot of your anger issues are compounded by having survived that household.
I'm so glad it's so easy for you all to recover from a toxic relationship that stripped you of transportation -- again, this wasn't me. We didn't get to that point where I sold off my car for that Nissan Leaf she wanted to get me. Prolly was going to be in her name if she could get away with it.
I'm so glad it's so easy for y'all that you can have your whole life plan ripped out from under you and get away scot free and with no scars whatsoever.
What a fuckin' tactic. If a lot of people come forward, we're a clique that can be silenced as one.
If only one comes forward, they're a scapegoat, and make a convenient target. Let's talk about how angry she is for no reason and how abusive she is when she was trying to survive under an abusive, hell environment.
That person isn't me, mind. I'm angry because this wasn't JUST me. If it was just me, I'd walk on and take my licks. I'm an angry bitch, I get it. But I saw innocent people hurt again and again and their pain and trauma ignored.
You can't just search my speech for the next "gotcha" to ignore what's going on.
Like, what the fuck?
What is WRONG with people that they have this mentality?
Oh, woops! Vedia crossed a line, guess that person who was put in a homeless shelter by extenuating circumstances isn't a person and doesn't matter.
Just because I'm an angry bitch that no longer cares about following bullshit rules that were CONSTANTLY used against me and victims doesn't mean my abuse doesn't exist!!!!
Of course I'm going to block someone that asked me to retell my story, and then immediately acts like I said nothing at all.
That is not something I trust.
When someone talks to me about abuse, I ask questions, I look into it. Because I do not want to ever support abuse happening.
But instead, I got people asking me, then ignoring what I said and finding some reason to dismiss me, shut me down, and ignore the other victims completely.
There are many victims in all of this, and none of them are consulted. I make a convenient scapegoat for these abusers because I don't care about being loud. When I see people getting fucked over, I don't shut up about it. I only did before out of fear of social repercussions. Now I don't give a shit -- anyone who is okay with calling victims trash, get the fuck out of my life.
Nettle -- a punk rock sheep. Ulfra - big wolf mama tf witch. Vedia -- Witch girl with magic sword. Wolf & sheep kin. Hazel and Willow are my sisters. Refugee from witches.town. An open book -- talk to me and I'll try to talk back as much as I can!