America's New Slavery: Black Men in Prison
There's some magic lost between "This is a new ability for me!" and "I'm used to this ability, people are used to having this ability, others have this ability, ugh, time to get past teenage years..."
Fun part: Adding and subtracting tiers.
"Oh, you're 2 dimensional lifeforms? I can barely imagine! Oh, you're not able to move at all? I can barely imagine!" Then imagine creatures that look down at you as if you're the 2nd dimensional lifeforms. It all gets wonky
Eventually you just accept that everything is different and has and doesn't have things they can do, but that human being dreaming of being a fox will be a LOT happier being a fox than a fox born a fox and learning how to live!
Here's the real kicker: This is all in a world where we can't just shift our shape on a whim. What if we could? If it happened right now, it would feel *freeing* (and terrifying -- what shapes are others choosing?), but if we grew up with that, meh.
If we always were in a world where shapeshifting were common, the ability to *not* shapeshift would seem like a crippling disadvantage. "You can't shift? I'm so sorry. :( I can barely even imagine. I won't bring it up again, promise."
Third Salvia Trip
Painful (but not?) realization that I'm a cog in the machine, have no real power, and I hate that. Felt like I was being sliced and waiting to be fully sliced but didn't know when it was coming, didn't understand why no one was helping, and generally was kept rooted enough in the world by my surroundings to make the sensations unpleasant. But also humbling, much like the other two trips.
Whenever I need humbling:
Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot OFFICIAL
@green That is a good guess!
@Ulfra_Wolfe One of my favorite sayings is "Its not the Wierdos you need to worry about. Its the Normies."
Nettle -- a punk rock sheep. Ulfra - big wolf mama tf witch. Vedia -- Witch girl with magic sword. Wolf & sheep kin. Hazel and Willow are my sisters. Refugee from An open book -- talk to me and I'll try to talk back as much as I can!