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NSFW, Lewd Talk 

I need terrible suggestions for lewd goo and pooltoy pics.

I am stuck in this mindset while having libido and it shows no signs of quitting. So time to enjoy it to it's fullest.

NSFW, Lewd lewd lewd! 

I want to be put in my place by a dominant pooltoy and treated as lesser to them, beneath them, their toy.

Also pooltoy hindpaws pinning my muzzle to the floor.

... Also maybe TFed into one for extra fun and humiliation.

Hi libido.


Today's mood: bioluminescent latex ooze dragon

Seattle in one week, for a week!

Looking forward to being there again for a bit ^^

Winghugs! ^^ <3<3<3

Hope all of you are having the best day you can!

Drug mention, MH, +~ 

Well, I ended up abandoning the sobriety thing.

Nightmares and intense dreams were too much and my anxiety was spiking up to 2018 levels.

So, back to weed. However, I am using a 4:1 vape and it honestly chills me out and nukes anxiety more effectively than my 'use as needed' anxiety meds.

Plus, sleep.

However, I am keeping it primarily to "as needed" versus a method for sleep and function every night and trying to find a nice balance with things.

And 1:1s for occasional recreational use of course.

Happy Solstice to all, and winghugs and love aplenty. <3

Winghugs of the night! Or maybe just nightly winghugs. Hope everyone is doing well and stays safe this holiday, especially those working. Have extra love your way. 💙​

I miss Seattle, the endless dry of the desert really hammers that in.

Monday winghugs, with fresh coffee and a croissant. ^^

Sunday winghugs to give you encouragement and strength to tackle the new week! And help with rest. ^^

Social, Mood, + 

Been actually crawling out of my shell today to socialize. Spending time with my roommate out, meeting up with local Arizona dragons. Yesterday went hiking and spent time out with a snout I've known for a decade.

Going out seems to be good for me, and I might finally stop being as much of a hermit like I have for years... Slowly.

Excited to see my partner soon too. 2 weeks and I can just collapse in their arms for a week away from everything. I really need that.

And in turn I'm slowly discovering it's okay to actually take time for myself and treat myself well.

All of you are lovely and deserve extra winghugs, extra love, and beams of happiness. <3

Thursday winghugs with bonus love and encouragement to help you through to the weekend. ^^

Mental Health, ~, Question, Drug mention 

I've realized I've been, over the last week or so what feels like a constant state of derealization and depersonalization.

I can tell I love my partner, I enjoy my friends, and my life is generally going well but everything feels fake, far away, distant, like it isn't my own.

Does anyone else get this?

I believe it more or less manifested after my immense hypochondria issue and after I've laid off weed for a long period of time and wondering if that's the THC not in my system anymore.

It's just such a strange feeling, like constantly being in a dream.

Winghugs! Fresh and local. ^^ Hope you all are having a good day!

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