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World needs more pooltoys.

Pooltoys are friends.

Lewd, NSFW 

Drawn by NaughtyGryph.

I am a toy with many features.

More spaceship rambling 

I wonder if my face should be a glass panel similar in design to synths. Serving as a cockpit for crews.

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Contemplating designs for myself as a spaceship tonight.

Brain is still trying to think of the aesthetics of design, as well as if I want my wings and frills to be represented as solar sails.


Paws are on the mind.

Especially big soft latex or vinyl paws.

Right on my face please.

Otherkin, ++++ 

I feel positively me-e today.

I can feel all my frills, and wings, and tail, and snout, and earfins. It feels GREAT. ^^

Sunday winghugs, with extra strength to help you for the coming week. ^^

Seattle Local Seeking Immediate Housing, Boosts Okay 

My roommate's friend is seeking urgent housing accommodations in the Seattle area. Birdsite link as follows for full information and contacting them:

Tuesday winghugs! Hope you all are doing well this week, and sending lots of love to everyone who needs it. ^^

tfw you're a post-postfurry and also don't identify as your assigned gender

Otherkin, Trauma/death mention, MH, ~ 

Realizing when it comes to otherkin discussions that deal with any unpleasant last life memories, they leave me drained for a few days, then a surge of energy, then back to general equilibrium.

In the most recent case it was a discussion with my partner on me dying last life that triggered this bit of mental fun. I so rarely talk about it I forget how much the topic genuinely fucks with me.

Maybe that means I should actually discuss it more or face it? Maybe it's due to the fact that even after all this time, between life and now, I still haven't made peace with it.

Destroy Capitalism and Return to the Sea

- or -

Basic Fincome for All

Food Rambles, Meal Planning, Executive Dysfunction, infodump 

To preface this, I can cook, and have been told I cook very well. It is a skill I developed over the last year as a coping mechanism to a breakup back in 2018.

My issue as of the last.... Well, while, has been lack of any sort of way to get myself to meal plan. I come up with ideas and things to cook and make them as a once off. But I never have a consistent way to make things in large portions, or to plan them out. I am extremely bad at that and convenience always wins.

I will not disclose the number amount I spend eating out or ordering in per month, but it is a lot. Not to mention the damage it is doing to me physically. Plus, the stress of indecision caused by 'What do I eat?'

The obnoxious thing about it is that if I stuck to eating only the same things over and over, my body starts to grow physically ill at the textures, which is absolutely irritating. If I could subsist off of nutrient paste, I would.

I suppose the point of this rambling is just that I am open to trying to find solutions to it, and maybe I should just stock up on lots of pre-portioned microwavable or meal-ready-to-cook items... I know Whole Foods sells such, as does CostCo, and things like Blue Apron exist. I should examine these as serious options I believe.

Hello, my name is Veladynee and I don't have a gender. And that is okay. ^^

NSFW, Ideas, TF, Pooltoys 

I need lewd. And I enjoy seeing what people come up with.

Pooltoy/Inflatable TF ideas. As lewd or weird as you all can come up with. Go!

Sunday morning, winghugs for breakfast!

Also some biscuits as well. ^^

Political rant, general vent 

I will never understand why people go "oh politics don't affect me/my life."

Yes they do. Laws, enforcement, enacting, all affect how we live our life. Anti LGBTQ+ laws? Yeah they fucking affect my daily life. Anti gun laws? Affect my daily life.

Our healthcare system? Kills people. I could go on about the injustices of the disability system and how fucked that is for people who need it getting fucked over repeatedly.

But at the end of the day, politics are what govern our life, and at least having a remote idea is important. And voting is fucking important, it's the gods damned foundation of the country and people should bloody use it (or as much of it that isn't rigged or fucked by this point, but that's another rant)

That's all, thank you for coming to my rant.

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