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Good morning to all! *Inflatable winghugs for everyone.* ^^

uspol, angry, - 

Sent my early primary vote in the mail so my vote can thoroughly not matter and watch Bernie get fucked by the DNC a second time so they can force Biden down our throats. Then can watch as Biden flounders and loses to Trump and shit just gets worse. But hey, I voted. That still matters, right?

NSFW, extreme kink mention 

Thinking of pooltoy inflation with the theme of "urinal"...

Fetishy, Breathplay Warning, very NSFW 

Using my prehensile dick for breathplay, curled around a throat for very controlled fun.

Drug Mention, Medical Card, Grumbling 

Bleh. Gotta renew my medical marijuana card in AZ next month. Thankfully it isn't super expensive for me, but it is still money I wish I didn't have to spend every year.

Trans, Physical Health, Surgery, ~ 

Trying to find doctors or surgeons covered by insurance in my network for an orchiectomy is a pain in the ass. But I'm finally deciding to get that particular surgery done for my own mental health.


Would a birdtaur TF be getting Taur'd and Feathered?

More Spaceship Rambling, ideas 

Building on the idea of spaceship designs like Moya from Farscape and the Vorlons from Babylon 5 I am thinking of a rigid hull form with the front designed after my head. And general body plan being Draconic esque. Limbs would instead be folding solar sails.

Also tentacles for interaction with the environment around the ship, that retract or fold back.

Work, ~ 

I spend way too much of my time trying to figure out the best way to word emails. So much time is eaten up by this every day

It doesn't help I am already awful at communicating my thoughts coherently.


I need to find toy artists open! Including for lewds.

Winghugs, toy variety! Hope everyone is doing okay today. 💙​

Sudden urge to try to find my Playstation so I can replay Resident Evil 3. Hope the remake will actually be good.

Meds, Bleh, - 

I'm annoyed Zoloft is giving me insomnia and nightmares. Especially very vivid ones. It's a known side effect of the med, but.... Bleh. It sucks waking up and feeling exhausted, two days in a row.

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