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Keys to new place acquired. Nice quality apartment a mile from work. Logistics are now simplified.

uspol, read if you use any amazon services 

Amazon quietly removed a line from its transparency report saying it had "never participated" in the NSA's PRISM program.

Sometimes I wish I could just opt out of gender entirely.

"I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless and they don’t want anyone else to feel like that"

-- Robin Williams

Was sitting here stressing out about something and worrying when it'll ever get delivered.

Then there's a knock on the door and the FedEx guy just hands me it.

Welp, guess no worrying then.


oops! I took these weird blue pills and turned into a badass dragon girl

Good morning, I hope you all have an amazing day! ^^

If it's a rough day, please take some free winghugs, as many as you need ^^

Blah, tired, but too early to sleep yet. Only 1, and my usual sleep time is 3. x.-.x

After seeing a friend's posts and digging out a picture of a robotic version of myself done many years ago... Debating getting more art on the theme, beyond just the goo stuff, exploring some of the synthetic body stuff in depth.

robot dragon stepping out of a space station with glowy butterfly wings 

for Kiita-Ninetails!

#mastoart #furry

Politics, Corporations as People 

Corporations are people? Sure, let's make them people.

So if corporations are people, by law, then we should treat them like people. Workers should be considered part of that person, a valuable and protected system.

Corporate abuse of employees should be treated as self abuse, with those owning the corporation at fault. Laws should be put in place to ensure the healthcare of the Corporate Person, which would include better benefits and protections for its individual parts that make it... It.

In turn, corporate suicide by shareholders and owners for maximizing profit at the expense of everyone should be treated /as/ murder in a way, and ensure the employees get fair compensation and protection post destruction, at the expense of those who intentionally manipulated it in such a way.


Thinking about gill hrt :3c

Imagine them growing in, and the option to have your lungs surgically removed if you want to live underwater 24/7 (probably would involve a shit ton of consent forms)

Mental Health Talk, Personal 

I've learned as we face our own demons to fight them, they always get stronger. The anxiety is less frequent but the moments are more intense. The depression, the fear of the outside, it's all more intense as I finally face it instead of turning away as I've always done.

I do not rely on others for helping now either, I am fighting my own internal battles and slowly I gain a little ground. Very... Very slowly.

The thing I've realized is that we become so used to our problems that we actively resist treating them internally, much as we'd resist someone trying to take away a limb. They become ingrained in us and a moment without them makes us wonder if we are in fact losing a portion of ourself... When in the end it is us letting us finally be ourselves without the negative weight.

It's a tough fight I won't lie. But I can best my demons, and I believe you reading this, you can too. You are already doing so well ^^

So I spent 5 minutes trying to figure out why the hell my cursor was stuck on the bottom right of my second monitor...

Then I realized my stylus (its a pen display) was pressing against the corner.

So anyway, how's all your days going? :D

Otherkin related, emotional 

How to overload your friendly neighborhood fish:

1) Bring me to the pool or swimming place like a lake or beach.

2) Have it be nighttime with stars.

3) Let me get completely overstimulated with various senses and memories and cease to function for an hour or two.

Now to have a breakdown and cry and miss my old body for the rest of the night

Kinky, NSFW 

So anyway I'm getting a lewd done of me as a pooltoy, and the WIP already looks amazing.

I'm a horrible creature.

Work, drug mention, + 

Gotta go into work this Saturday.

Bright side, that sweet sweet overtime pay. Downside, 6 day work week. A worthy trade.

Tonight, however, time to make dinner then get stoned.

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