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VR, +, also asking if anyone noses VR 

VR has been great for me as a way to envelop myself in creativity. With Neos offering in world scripting and easy import and mod tools for 3D models it lets me play with the full production chain of my own creations.

Plus having a place I can meet and socialize with people and more importantly not be in a human body, is downright amazing.

If anyone else noses VR for anything, be it games or VR Chat or Neos or what have you, please reach out. Would love to nose more snouts, or snout adjacent critters. ^^

Species Dysphoria, Otherkin, - 

Gotta love breaking down into tears and whimpering because brain sometimes just can't process missing correct limbs and body shape.

Drove up into Snoqualmie Pass last night. Pleasant night mountain air. ^^

fully shaded commission for @Veladynee being a silly seadragon! they were really quite fun to draw :dragnhappy:

I have almost arrived in Seattle! Sleep then another 8 hours of driving!


I keep debating if its been long enough for the constant cravings to have dispersed before picking up weed recreationally again. Been irritatingly sober for nearly 4 months now, and don't /crave/ it but at the same time I miss the calm peace of mind and the energy it gave me to be creative with art.

Covid, test, bleeeeehh 

Yay for nervously waiting for my COVID-19 test results. x.-.x

Socialist Teeth, Eye contact drawing, teeth exposed 

These teeth chomp fascists.

Drawn by Nix!

Temperature, VR, Deserts @.-.@ 

Note to self: Deserts are hot. Heat exhaustion is a real thing. VR generates a LOT of heat. I need to be more mindful of this. >.-.<;;;

Find yourself a partner that believes in you, and then turn around and believe in them back.

I woke up to a gigantic box full dragon stuff having arrived at my doorstep.

I have no clue who sent it, but I will find you and thank you!

Sometimes restoring old hardware just requires some patience, good practices, and a dash of magic.

Done by Yamiyo on FA.

When dragons move into a house, it /always/ becomes a dragon lair.

Dragon art and statues will be everywhere. And there is always at least one dragon shelf.

This is the way of dragons as roommates. *Nods.* bundle (boosts ok) 

anyway, this list of categories of games on is 75 pages long now, mostly thanks to how I've been hyperfocusing on building it for weeks. the list makes it real easy to find whatever particular cool stuff you want. enjoy the new section at the end: genres. add to the doc whatever's missing, editing's open to one and all.

Otherkin, Longing, Rambling, Dreams 

A dream last night left me with an extreme sense of longing and sadness due to the intensity of it, primarily in the shape of desiring my old body, or an approximation of it.

The dream itself was pretty mundane, it was simply me exploring my old home from last life. Everything was about where it should be from the oldest memories I have of it. Cool walls, a pool to get in and out of the little enclosed area, jars, a cool breeze. A gentle rain was coming through the 'window' of rocks, tapping along the floor and flowing out. A foggy view of the ocean beyond, with storms gathering in the distance, not unusual for the area. Everything had a smell, a texture, a sensation, to every touch. Even the light breeze against my earfins and wings. Everything had more intense colors, with some I'm not sure how to describe, similar to how I remember being able to see before. So much detail and stuff to unpack from that dream...

It made me realize how much I just miss certain things, even aspects of my old life. My body especially... and really hit the 'species dysphoria' button pretty hard, heh.

And I miss my old home. And I wish I could maybe one day reconstruct it here, even if it wouldn't be quite the same.

Politics, COVID, - 

I am continuing to try to find ways to distract myself from the massive anxiety I am feeling while my state continues to destroy itself with COVID.

Arizona has lost this battle and it just continues to get worse, with protesters against mandatory masks, Trump rally, and police engaging peaceful anti-Trump and BLM protesters with violence.

Stay safe, everyone... Especially fellow Arizonians in this mess. We'll get through it, but also fuck Trump, fuck the right entirely, and fuck the police.

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