Also him:
"Sending messages in plaintext is not secure? Then just send a password with the message, also in plaintext"
And also him:
"cryptographic hashes are completely unnecessary and provide absolutely zero benefit"
@Zauberin YIKES
@shyra yeah, that was my reaction towards a lot of his BS
@shyra He was also obsessed with looking good in the eyes of others, and would often make bold claims about his abilities or qualities that turned out to be nothing but talk.
He was also fond of talking trash about his friends or claiming credit for things they discovered or realized so that he could make himself look better.
@Zauberin YIKES++
@shyra Also, he believes that the only programming language that any coder needs is BASIC, and that all other programming languages should be done away with because they're all too hard to learn.
And I will note that his first programming language was the infamous Dartmouth BASIC...
@Zauberin lol what??? Is this guy a cartoon???? What the heck????????
@shyra He is basically the most arrogant and self-obsessed person I have met in my entire life.
@Zauberin RSA is not real because you can't algo numbers in a loop