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3D printed critters for sale! Each one is unique!
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The 10th annual international Gender Census 2023 is now open until at least 9th May 2023!
It's for anyone whose gender (or lack thereof) isn't described by the M/F binary. It's short and easy, and results are useful in academia, business and self-advocacy.
“People with ADHD, especially those who’ve lived with it undiagnosed, suffer a lot of losses in their lives, a lot of defeats."
Sometimes I wish I'd stop being Seen by these articles.
@Mangi WELL GOSH!!!!
Takariva Fahavaratra
“Summer evening”
You know we lack distinctive Christmas tradition when I finish a Christmas drawing one month late, change the title into a normal summer evening, and somehow it still fits perfectly.
Anyway, just Onja and Mijoro having a quiet evening at home.
@Axel_Hugsky a monster who takes charge and handles the tough choices for you while being open to cuddles... no wait you had an "n" at the end not an "m"
No idea
@DuskDargent yeaaaah. Yeah. Yeaaaaaaaaah. Very good story conveyed with mininal dialogue but yeaaaaaah
@BuddyGoodboyEsq to be fair I had to watch the movie and tv series many times due to younger cousins who loved it
Mathematician and aerospace engineer Mary Jackson was born #OTD in 1921. She worked at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics until it was succeeded by NASA in 1958. Jackson then became the first Black woman to work as a NASA engineer.
Image: NASA
@BuddyGoodboyEsq unknown I think it might be like Pepper Anne and still in the limbo of existed but you're only going to see it through youtube clips
@BuddyGoodboyEsq I mean you dont have to I am just saying... and this isn't even getting into the tv show where they clearly use a currency for luxury goods and have concepts of treasure, accounting, and banks.
@BuddyGoodboyEsq Also they clearly do have a sense of property as seen with Ariel's sisters in their one scene outside the concert introduction where they're styling themselves in front of mirrors they talk about the combs and objects they own with lines like "did you take my brush"
@BuddyGoodboyEsq I mean they live in a magic based monarchy. Also why is owning a collection of nonvaluable items (she can't sell them or trade them, has no marketplace to sell them) inherently capitalistic?
Oh no @srol has followed me. Dont they realize I am incredibly boring?!
The New York Public Library has retired the "Book is a Dream" mug on the left and replaced it with the new mug on the right. You can get them from the @nypl store. All proceeds go to the library (I don't see a penny from it although sometimes I get a free mug.)
Just a pine marten who likes to bake, art by billcatter
Lawful Neutral