You know if you like stickers there is no excuse for you not to own a set of @Caudlewag 's lovely bookshop skunk stickers (and also use the rest of their shop
puffkisses, inflation
Windscar appears to be very determined to size up Lucid to such great sizes by the power of puffkisses!! Just hoping they won't make a mess in the kitchen...
Comm for Windscar!!
@roxy omgosh stop embarrassing me! I only used the custard mix cause I was pressed for time!
re: birdsite, morbid
@roxy social media depends on these so called zombie accounts to inflate their numbers. I mean if he cared about honesty thats cool but he clearly doesnt so the mind boggles
@ceralor omgosh! Have a great time!
re: birdsite, morbid
@roxy that boggles my mind. Birdsite needs those freefloating accounts to inflate their numbers. The service might be used by some folks but that number bloat keeps the site viablw
re: birdsite, morbid
anyways if you have a friend or loved one who's no longer with us, I uhh guess you have a limited amount of time to look at their tweets. take a picture it'll last longer
twitter owner and why I left twitter
@Talcott haha I can see that now that you mention it.
twitter owner and why I left twitter
@Talcott welcome back, sorry you had a bad experience *sends lemon blueberry cupcakes*
@Talcott yay!
This is a very amusing montage from Cellspex of the 2022 animated films set to the Animainiacs song "modern cartoon individual"
Just a pine marten who likes to bake, art by billcatter
Lawful Neutral