Twitter/Musk, transphobia.
If you are still ACTIVE on Twitter, and are still not looking to move elsewhere. I now am considering you not just willing, but wanting to see me harmed. You are actively giving ad revenue content, and a DAU viewership to someone who IS spending that money to harm me. This is NOT in debate anymore. Leave Twitter *now*.
@DuskDargent thank you sir for doing your part
Trans graph nonsense!
I've been taking measurements of how my body has changed since starting HRT.
It's interesting how just being on the hormones has been affecting my body.
Also I am just awful at getting consistent measurements!
And I am happy to announce that after 7 months I have already reached a C cup!
pride, lgbtq also what does it say about you that when a person points out the lack of reason or logic in your statements your immediately run to claiming the person needs "calm down" are you so callow you can not stand having the falicies and weakness of your statement pointed out to you?
pride, lgbtq responding to someone else's post when you know they are going to disagree with you and then claiming you are the reasonable one after provoking a conflict is in my opinion the sign of a petty person.
You didnt have to respond to cooner or fuzz. You could just say your nonsense on your own feed. You sought out conflict and then whined when you got it
pride, lgbtq claiming "trans activists go to far" with absolutely no explanation of what you mean by "too far" makes you look vapid and insincere because you are making a vague meaningless claim that is inherently arbitrary
That isnt a good faith argument and that isnt being reasonable
pride, lgbtq well lets start with your arbitrary claim of their being a line between the groups based on attraction then admitting that line doesnt exist because Lesbians, gays, and bisexuals also blur gender norms. You sound like someone making up a false dichotomy and doing it badly.
Then trying to claim this is a reasonable statement makes you look ridiculous
pride, lgbtq I love how you literally undercut your argument in the first paragraph but admitting the "line is fuzzy" just remarkably bad faith nonsense
Then claiming a vague "trans goes to far" with no citation, explanation, or example because you know what an absolutely vapid comment that is
pride, lgbtq
@cooner honestly they must be so exhausted constantly trying to defend the indefensible
Just a pine marten who likes to bake, art by billcatter
Lawful Neutral